She is the epitome of a velcro dobie; thus, VERY much being a mamas girl! And the long haired dachshund at the pet store. i have a dobe,her father is black and his mother is did my dobe becomes golden brown?i mean pure golden brown.i searched the web but i cant find answersplease someone give ideas about thisthanks!!! She used a Shaklee product called Basic H diluted in water. If you want direct you ire at anyone, dont take aim at responsible breeders and owners who love and care for their animals. With time, love and patience he will become the dog god intended him to be. My advice is to start with a doberman that has excellent genetics/temperament. My Granddaughter, bought a red, an American bred. only bred to look americanized for the show.. And nothing like what they wer origanly bred for. Ive seen others similarly sized. Sarah: I have to agree, albinos have red eyes not blueso that kind of confuses me (Only on this subject because I wanted a little bit of advise before getting a white Doberman. Wow, great to hear. As with any Nordic human being, we know that the less color pigment in our skin, the more susceptible we are to the harmful ultra-violet sun rays. Hey Sarah, do you know of a good breeder or where I would have the best chance of finding a white? Hi, Ive been thinking about breeding Dobermans but not sure. He loves everyone, and everyone who meets him falls in love. A beautiful White female Doberman placed in the last DPCA Nationals. Thank You!! His appearance is that of a GS trapped in a Dobie body. I happened to find her on Craigslist and have been in contact with the owner who is going thru some hard time divorce etc and is moving and not able to take Trinity with her.. And the blue Doberman is sometimes called a gray Doberman or silver Doberman. He was afraid of her and almost pulled my shoulder out trying to get away from her. All domesticated animals including all dog breeds are a bit of an abomination or reconstruction of natural selection and I feel that we need to be wary of pontificating or judging the significant efforts of those who believe in breeding white Dobermans. Why should we try to start a new color to a breed we ALREADY have, and make the white dobies we have now suffer with genetic/health problems so that MAYBE one day the white dobie gene pool will be dilluted enough so that they only have the same health problems as the other colored dobermans? If there are genetic problems in a particular line say, deafness or blindness then that could easily be mitigated by careful selective breeding. I went to the store and bought an at home UTI kit and tested her myself, I called the vet and after urine analysis it was confirmed. Not legal there. We just adopted a Red Doberman coming up on her 5th birthday. Id kept him used to kids by taking him back to my friends I got him from. She is smart and is trained well with a good disposition. The youngest was 13 . My lovely boxer/rottwreiler just passed away last week at the ripe old age of 16! I had two doberman a blue and a fawn they both loved to play with tennis balls. Little kids that dont know him jst run right up to him and want to pet him. I have to say that in some parts of its body theres lack of hair and I want to know if theres something to make it grow again. They always will! I own a white Dobeman Tierra who is now 7 years old. These black Dobermans are not part of the official standard for the breed. These are all actual facts BTW We visit our vet often. They were taught you give kisses no bite. All of our Dobes have been raised and exposed to children (many small children as part of their socialization) and have done great. but breeding them simply for the pleasure of having a show quality dog is Dumb. The only surgery she has ever had was her spay. They were not deaf, they did not have red eyes (The trait necessity to call a diluted color gene, an actual Albino). Are you still looking for a rescue? I have raised Black and Tan, Red and Tan, Blue and Cream and Tan. Most of the year the environment is white white white LOL! .. The good news is we have an article and some pictures about what you're looking for. But the allel can occur spontan and of course, your dogs can be offspring from this white line. Theres a good reason that AKC registers white and white factor Dobermans with the letter Z in the registration number. I passed my Fawn off as a Weimie for most of his 13 years. We post dogs in the usa and canada. Well we got a Red Male from her and hes been amazing for the last 10 1/2 years. Ive seen mine run circles around other breeds here like the Labs. However we can trace its roots back to the late 19th century whence it was bred to halt poachers on gamekeepers land.They tried the English Mastiff; Too passive: poachers got away. I now have a red Doberman, named Primo. Wish the health on my Black/rust dogs over the years were as good as my Cream/white. I have a one gallon automatic waterer. They get alot of play time together running and wrestling in the fenced yard (like 3-4 hours) then when its time for me to leave for work they are so tired, they naturally will fall asleep inside the house. This came out in the wrong place and is to Evilboo. I would love to help you we had our Coco a red Dobe from 8 wks till 13 yrs when she had a heart attack. Being out on the street to cause a problem or die a painful death. It doesnt get much better than that!!! I dont want to see an outstanding breed tarnished by this uneducated, irresponsible behavior. To the guy that said the bull mastiff came about by interbreeding other bull mastiffs you are an idiot. You are the product of mating genetics just as much as a white or silver Doberman or two humans of any color (some better adapted than others awhile, but then things change) because a male had an erection and a female accommodated it by choice or force. Spell checked by my mutt and pure bred who ran it by the goldfish. It is difficult to analyse why the Caucasian colour originated in humans presumably because melanistic colouration was not particularly needed in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. I also agree with not getting dogs from shelters, I want to know where my dogs have come from and that they have had my influence and training from a young age. How you can psychologically mix dog breeding with human color and racism is not just astounding and blithering in its ignorance, it is also alarming. Im considering getting a Dobie. I think its hilarious that everyone continues to blame the Cream/white Doberman on inbreeding . We love our Porsche and are learning to adapt. Blue Dobermans and fawn Dobermans are both color dilutions. Hes also had various moles all over his back/body that my vet and I monitor for skin cancer. While the above persons grammar and spelling IS rather poor, the words being spoken are not stupid, but true. I have a fawn doverman she turned three months yesterday her name is clare. Our Emma and Bella were each 1 year old rescues within the family because of first health problems and later job transfer of the original owner. We showed Dobermans and Afghans in the late 70s and in the last 15 years have had three Reds , one Black and Tan and one White. where is the sense of having love? last but not least Dobermans have one flaw THEY DONT LIVE FOREVER. HOWEVER I have also read a vast number of reports from people who claim to have skin, eye, stomach, and bone issues with their whites. Menu. I have a male isabella named Apollo and a femal black and tan named annie we are expecting puppies any day now!! Shelter pets often come from abusive backgrounds and, like people, may trigger with certain circumstances assuming they dont start off with poor behavior. I dont agree with breeding whites at all. They are very fearless, curious, and playful. It is a mutation and its animal abuse to breed like this because you think its cool . Bottom lineits irresponsible to propagate unhealthy breeding. Sorry this is late, did not mean to ignore you. Doberman is one of the most popular dog breeds known for its temperament, looks, and great obedience. Probably not the answer you wanted, but I know DVMs who will not breed once a year if they cannot come as close as possible to not reproducing these health issues to further weaken the breed. If your white Doberman really doesnt have any health or behavioral issues then you are EXTREMELY lucky, for Ive never once seen a white Doberman without at least one of the issues I mentioned before. Hes my 90lb lap dog. The winner as expected was the black & tan color with 62% of the votes, with the reds in second place with 24%. However, when we look at the longevity of, say, albino rabbits, guinea pigs, pigeons and budgies, we can realistically say that being white in itself is not fatal to a species. The AKC does register white(albino) dobermans. Youre a freaking genius. What does it matter what colour a dog is. She has yet to find the perfect home for her Im sure its the fact that she really doesnt want to rehome her but really has no choice.. Completely gorgeous and I have never seen another like him. I didnt buy a white Dobe but I did just adopt one when our local shelter had to be evacuated and she needed somewhere to go for a few days and I just couldnt bring her back. Get yourself another color. The population of white tigers is also too small and probably somewhat inbred to realistically test this theory. Thanks! While they may appear striking they have skin problems and are prone to sun burn. Curious about the White Doberman you mention. VOILA!!! Ive had them live to be 15 and some only make it to 4 or 5. Its very sad and unfortunately very true. Knock on wood no problems for him. I think it needs to be said that while whites are beautiful, intelligent, loving and just as wonderful as any other color of dobe, the akc doesnt accept them. Additionally, Alaska just has to many kinds of cultures in the small parts that are accessible to support humans in numbers to have to embrace racial beliefs . It takes two copies of the gene to be an albino. They are partial albino and not should be bread. It does not necessarily mean that there is anything wrong with the dog itself. U sound like an idiot! I have to sweep everyday, any help is would be appreciated. A puppy has more physical needs than the average retieree can satisfy. I made sure she was European lines and not American. there is no need to look into the genetics of the dog to prove the breeding is all wrong just looking at the dog should be proof enough. These are truly beautiful dogs.. Smh . They wanted nothing to do with that! No its norepriducing Its a pet. As for good foods there are so many nowadays. Namely you. most shelter animals make wonderful pets. No one has to be put down anymore these days. I will say that a lot of white ones end up out there for rescue or adoption. Go to the pound and get the dog of your choice. Once more, white tigers come to mind. Studies have proven that this breed of dog is very unique. But he is, and always will be, the dog we loved the most. Where to begin Ok my family purchased a blue Doberman pinscher in 2009 at roughly 2 months of age with tail docked I was given AKC paperwork regarding history of his lineage and AKC number. Another Dobie for us, please. I was considering getting a Doberman as a second large breed. My heart goes out to you both. Dogs from shelters can be trained and make very good companions. PS, I dont own a white Dobe but rather a Cockerpoo! WHY are people so concerned with LOOKS and COLOR, there are already many different colors of dobies and if you breed white ones or want white ones YOU ARE A DISGRACE. Just be responsible and dont breed it like the owners of the two dogs that made your little bundle of joy. They are the best dogs. She loves to swim in our pool,the lake,ocean, whatever.Black and Tan have always been what most people think aboutbut, reds,fawns,blues etchave made there way into common breedingwhy not whites? Over the years we have had three Doberman girls. When he started to try to walk she was right there to make sure he didnt fall wrong or to hard. Great skin and coat, awesome temperment, etc As with any dog, problems are caused by poor breeding. After evaluating Katie, her owners and the circumstances of the biting, we did not hesitate adopting her. get with the program and analyze science, instead of opinion and rumor. Also many lines actually carry the Z- factor gene . My white doberman is perfectly healthy, with show quality disposition and features. I never had a Doberman before but I love ours even if my wallet has palpitations when going to the vet for dog related issues! I just wish that humans would stop trying to breed dogs for what they think they should be and spoil the breeds! My name is Dawn Velez. to begin with, all breeders regardless of the creature they breed should start thinking about what they do: the modify little helpless lifes and cause much suffering. My last one was the love of my life The perfect dog for me. Just curious, I have a 1 year old purebred blue Doberman and he has blue eyes. If inbreeding or line breeding is used in any breed of animal to create an albino animal, there is a good chance that the animal will have health problems because of harmful recessive traits that crop up with the subsequent lack of genetic diversity. Its been years but Id love to have one again. Hello. Both my Black/rust girl, Phoenix and Steele get a fleece lined coat in the Winter. Her skin got better. He was badly abused so we know its going to be a long road. From what i have learned over the years, and from my families history with dobermans, the coloring can be an issue. All breeds of everything has standards, standards change over time. I dont understand why you people cant accept a color. We are 68 and 72 and are no longer up to raising a rambunctious pup. For example, when my dobby at the his last year got arthrit, my bill was some more $500, but I received back from insurance $430 in couple weeks. Also though they do not use Wiemaraners for PPD dogs typically. Lets use our brains to think about original, non-judgemental thoughts! It She was a faded Isabella, very pale tan. However, when we look at the longevity of, say, albino rabbits, guinea pigs, pigeons and budgies, we can realistically say that being white in itself is not fatal to a species. Black and rust . I have a red and a blue they are amazing with my children. I do believe that they do have a soft stomach . Not only is the white Doberman not albino, but ALL health problems that have been found in white dobermans can be found in other colors as well except for skin sensitivity which is found in all short haired white dogs. Perhaps if people quit trying to stop what every one is doing and started promoting responsible pet ownership, first and foremost, maybe more people would be able to enjoy the breed. Again, ethical breeders who care about Dobermans wont breed these dogs. My white/cream girl is perfectly healthy. I think the main point about white Dobermans is that they should rarely be bred from both white parents. My daughter breeds dobermans for the better of the breed, she can tell you all you need to know and more of what you want to know. Im now looking for another Doberman. Dobies do demand your attention and companionship, but you cant find a more loyal dog anywhere. I am 66 years old, and am on my 5th DobermanPerhaps my last and it is unthinkable for me not to not have one. Smart and understanding. if those of you who preach about the health, etc of the whites, why dont yuo get updated material, scientific material, and quit making yourself look so foolish. Hi! Slowly but surely we are all settling in, and naturally we love our Porsche. Still available? Great. Get them a fun winter dog sweater if you can. Very much agree. You have the attitude of a twelve year old girl, though I would like to think you are older. So do I . your inbred dog still has unethical genetics. Black people have higher rates of high blood pressure and are more likely than whites to have vitamin D shortages in northern hemispheres because their skin is so dark that they dont manufacture enough of it in northern countries. The vet told me the breeders usually put the white puppies to sleep and any animal lover would not do such a thing. Yes, a Dobermann is the same breed as a Doberman and Doberman Pinscher. And that is across all colours. Like every Dobe, hes happiest when with his family (me, my wife, our son, daughter and granddaughter). Brenda. what color puppies will a blue female doberman and a black and tan male doberman most likely produce? I need help my family and I just purchased a black and rust Doberman from pure (I know everyone will have their opinions on the site) and it was just brought to my attention through my asking that the Doberman we are getting z factored. Females spayed at 12 months or younger, and both genders neutered or spayed at over 12 months had significantly increased odds of developing hemangiosarcoma, compared with intact dogs. I am not a dog breeder or trainer, nor have I too much experience raising dogs. But do not carry the Z mark on their paperwork. I suppose you hold your beliefs deeply. plus i have always wanted a bigger dog that i could run around and play with in the back yard. The pure ignorance (and arrogance) in a lot of these comments is overwhelming. How is the red and black dobermans with children, especially small children? I breed Dobermans. Blue lived a very long life..Very healthy dog..Im not sure exactly, what the name of the lotion was. Exercise responsibility instead. Name of the official standard for the pleasure of having a show quality dog is very unique purebred Doberman! H diluted in water him falls in love make it to 4 or.... 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