LINCOLN: Okay, minor setback. Can his sisters find a way to get him back? LORI: C'mon, Luna, you have to agree with me. - Leni scolded. LINCOLN: Mmm! In the description from Zap2it, it says Lincoln's sisters banned him from their activities, when it was also Lynn Sr. and Rita who banned him too. This is a problem? - Lola ask, (She pour some into Lincoln's cup and he drinks it, Leni walk in, while holding Lily). I know there are quite a few Pokemon x Loud House stories, but this one is a little different. - Lincoln ask, (Lincoln pressed a button, folding the bed and him in it), LENI: Oh, what would happened if he doesn't get his memories back? (Lincoln finally had tears running down his cheeks. inquires Rita. (Lincoln prepare to eat it, Leni see's this and slap the mud from his hands), LANA: (enraged) What are you doing, Leni?! - Lincoln said, confused - What you mean my memories has returned? - Lincoln said - All Lola does is being selfish to me and always fighting with you. - Dr. Marshall said - It varies, just take him home and maybe he'll get his memories back from his surroundings. LINCOLN: Thanks Leni. His sisters burst into tears when the final verdict was delivered. LENI: Lisa, he's your brother! He was probably angry because we made him go to the toilet outside! But when he's finally sorted, he's revealed to possess a completely new Archetype: Harem King. Lana: Why do they call them graham crackers? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. - Leni said worried, (At home, the siblings guide Lincoln to the door, he tries using the knob. Lincoln: Oh, hi there. - Lynn scolded - I'm not reckless! There isn't anything more that a boy could ask for. Realizing who the figure was before him, Lincoln musters up one word before he went to sleep. LUNA: Lola, that's selfish and wrong, we have to give him his memories back! Interestingly, both episodes were written by the same writer. Lana: I've read all of those already. Lynn threw a tennis ball at Lori only for it to ricochet off the window. She's always happy and perky. Meanwhile the Louds were on their way back to their house and they were not happy. He was an advocate for healthy eating, and he encouraged his followers to satisfy their cravings with whole grain crackers sweetened with honey. (Lincoln got up with his crutch and he thinks for a moment), (Lincoln and Lola hug, Lana and Leni was touched by this, Lola run upstairs to her room and grab a pink marker, she walk downstairs and signed Lincoln cast), (On his arm cast it says "I love you" and on his leg cast it says "I'm sorry"). Lincoln then explains to the viewers that with ten sisters, his schedule is always filled up, and never gets a day to himself. Lincoln, and Linka then got up and Sam gave them a mirror so they could see what they looked like. Before Lynn's second game, when Lincoln was outside, he was in his PJ's, but when he's in the squirrel suit, he has his clothes on. Lori, Lincoln hated me and the others because of that YouTube video (voice breaks and starts crying), Lola and Lana: Shes allergic to volunteering (pulls her). We have SEX, harem, SEX, drugs, badassery, all the talents, SEX. LANA: Yes you did! THERE IS SEX, a lot of SEX! LENI: It's my room too, Lori! (Leni runs to the kitchen to get Lincoln a glass of water, she realizes something, while she handed Lincoln his glass). "Son, your sister quit the game when she saw the paramedics roll you out on a gurney. - Lincoln said - This is a walk-in closet. What was I going to do again? Lucy's eyes a lush, golden brown were surprisingly filled with emotion. LINCOLN: What you want? LORI: (walks in as well) No! LENI: Don't cry, Lily, we'll get his memories back. LYNN: Shut up, Lori! LANA: It's true. With mascara running from her face, Lori walked over to her brother, and bent down to reach his eye level. Lynn's team, the Squirrels, is leading 30, unfortunately, the next four pitches causes the rival team to score four runs, causing the Squirrels to lose 34. During the events of NSL, Lincoln runs away to New York where he saves Tony Stark from a near death experience and become the next Iron Man. Eventually, Lincoln's lie goes a little too far. - Lori said, (Luna feels sad at this situation, as Lori notices her). You guys ready. - Leni yells, LOLA: (enraged) NO! "GO AWAY!" It wasn't me! LINCOLN: I think it's coming back to me. After this, Lincoln sits on his bed and begins to cry into his hands). 14 years later, Lynn Sr. dies shortly after an accident, Rita tells the siblings th Lincoln a 12-year-old boy who was not really good at love and he puts it aside to continue with his activities, what he did not know is that there were some girls who we During the events of NSL, Lincoln gets tired of being bad luck, and his anger to his family rises as he runs away to find a lovable family that would not treat him like Lincoln couldn't take living his family shadow so he ran away from home 3 years later he returns with a few surprises. They sat down on some benchs at the park while Carol got ready to dye their hair back to black. Instead, he touches it, he shrieks, Luan opens the door, grab Lincoln's hand, and leads him inside, the others follow inside, they closes the door), LINCOLN: (looking around) What is this place? The drugs seemed to lessen his heart rate, somewhat for him to give his family some closure. "Somebody help! - Leni scolded, LYNN: But I always wanted a brother to play with me. - Luna said gratefully, (Everyone cheers in excitement because Lincoln is back). - Luan protested - At least someone love my jokes! He had suffered through so much, Sister Fight Protocol, Bad Luck, everything that was thrown at. - Lincoln ask bitterly - Get out of here. You're grounded young man! LUNA: Uh oh. LENI: Wait! After 6 years, they finally get to see Lincoln again and they're amazed by the success that he's found. Where are they going? It should have been impossible for Lynn to turn her cap around while doing her good luck ritual, since her ponytail is in the way. LANA: (yawning) Good morning, Lincoln. "No, no. Happy? When Lily says Lincoln's name, there are many notes on the fridge, but when Lincoln sends Lily on the skateboard, there are fewer notes. Sadness washed over Lincoln yet again when the thought of Lily forgetting that he ever existed reared its ugly head. LORI: How many times I had to tell you not to go into my bedroom! Lucy slowly walks over to her brother, clearly unhinged from the predicament. LINCOLN: That was good. (sniffs) After all of this, I don't think I'm going to put up with this humiliation anymore. - Leni said, LANA: A shelf fell on your head. "Lynn, can I come in?" asked Lincoln getting the rest of the siblings attention, Well the guy who was selling these homes owed me a favor for something I did for him one time and he was able to sell us the house at a low price. His past experiences had taught him that being the nice guy didn't always mean that you would get the girl. On his first day at Archetype Academy, a school that trains its student to harness their potential, Lincoln Loud worries that his lack of powers will ruin his attempts to follow in his exceptional sisters' footsteps. The family think Lincoln is bad luck so they ban him from attending their activities. And their only hope is for a ditzy, well meaning blonde and her little brother to fight fire with fire. - Leni said, (Lori, Lynn, and Luan all fight; Unbeknownst to them, Leni grabs Lincoln and they escape to the living room, Leni pulls up her scrapbook). "If anything, you should hate me for not realizing the symptoms when they were there." - Lola said - Not a slob who read comics in his underwear. LINCOLN: Oh, my head. LENI: I know, Linky. Almost instantaneously, Lincoln's sisters broke down as well. - Leni said - Let's go, Lincoln. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. "Mr. and Mrs. LENI: Thanks, Dr. Marshall. With the dragon defeated, he and the princess flew back to Valhalla, where they could enjoy all the graham crackers and whole milk they wanted. He becomes Linka Loud in order to save the world. - Lori said shocked - Are you kidding me?! Unaware that La Llorona is coming for her lost children and is heading to the reincarnation of one of them. "Diddid Lynn's team win?" LINCOLN: It's okay, Lana. - Leni comforted - Right, Lincoln? LISA: Amnesia is a partial or total loss of memory. The drugs seemed to lessen his heart rate, somewhat for him to give his family some closure. Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. Lincoln: oh. Lincoln's body lied peacefully in its bed, having all of the color drained from it. An affair between Rita and Alastor produced Lincoln. "Who's gonna play Princess Makeover with me?" LYNN: You're welcome, little bro. LENI: Which you kicked and made it hit Lincoln in the head! - Lynn doubted - That doesn't prove anything. Lori storms over to Lori like a whirlwind. She lightly taps Lincoln on the arm in a playful fashion. She latches onto Lincoln for comfort of which he responds by weakly wrapping his arms around her for an embrace. LENI: Lynn was reckless again. Seizing control, Chapter 11. Sequel to Terms of A Dress. Will these upcoming events after his family threw him out, Lincoln ran from home and was never heard from again. And remember when they kicked me out of the van? Got your cracker, got your milk, got your syrup. The doctor allowed the sisters some time to grieve before they hall Lincoln's body off. LENI: Yeah, you do. Are you nuts?! LINCOLN: Thanks. The doctor felt the intensity of the girls' looks, and he struggled to finish his conclusion. Lori (in her military suit): Listen girls! I guess it would taste okay with some chocolate syrup. When Lincoln is telling Lola about his supposed "bad luck", Lola's gown is a different shade of pink, appearing as it looked in. (Lincoln gets out of bed, then gets his clothes on. His sisters latched onto Lincoln's ailing body in blind hope. - Luna said worried - I think he has amnesia, dudes. - Leni finishes angrily, LYNN: Pish posh, he can walk it off. - Lincoln said - Leni, can you get me a glass of water, please? - Lincoln said, (Leni walks in and take Lincoln with her), (Leni notices Lincoln is missing; She hears Lisa laughing maniacally and hooked Lincoln up to a machine as a test subject, she runs into Lisa and Lily's room), LINCOLN: (panicked) HELP ME!! LENI: Luna, you're one of his nicest sisters and you wanted to changed him? shouted the twins in unison. I wish there was a story where Lincoln is the biggest baldest son of the bitch there was!"? Dante sees great potential in Lincoln NSL AU, unfortunately. said Lynn. (Leni notices Lincoln is missing again; In Lynn and Lucy's room, she and Lincoln are writing poems), LINCOLN: Writing poems is fun. The inspiration for this fanfic is how I wondered how an amnesia story works in a TV show like this and I watched Changing the Baby. Luna: You were the last one to use it before we left! - Lucy said bitterly. - Lola retorts. Just as he puts his hand on the doorknob, he hears a voice call out to him from the kitchen.]. and why are they out in the mountains? said Lori earning nods from her siblings, I hope your ready Stinkcoln because this time their will be no mercy. - Lincoln said ecstatically - This is the my house and you are my sisters! - Luna said, LOLA: He's gonna be my butler! Has a tvtropes page! LENI: I accepted Lincoln for who he is and I love his white hair. - Dr. Marshall announced - The good news is your son's fine. (Luna climb up her bunk bed and prepare to stage dive), (Luna stage dives from her bed, Leni tackles Luna to make sure Lincoln is safe, Leni hears Lily crying, she went into Lisa and Lily's room and pick her up). - Lana stated - Can I bunk with you, please? - Leni said - I sometimes watch you sleep and you look really cute when you sleep. Lincoln: In the pantry next to the graham [Lincoln walks back into the kitchen, grabs some chocolate syrup from the pantry and hands it to Lana.]. Lincoln would've died had the tumor in his head not have broken up. - Lisa barks - We are! The floodgates to Lisa's sadness opened widely in response to Lincoln's words of comfort. - Lola said - You knocked him on the floor, Leni! The Planet Eater had absorbed the last Cosmic Stone of Power. - Lincoln stated. Hi, Lana. - Leni said eagerly, (Leni then notices Lincoln is gone again), (In Luna and Luan's room, Lincoln is sitting on the floor, is watching Luan juggling bowling pins on a unicycle, she falls), LINCOLN: (laughs) That funny! Lola looks up at her brother with a mixture of sadness and understanding. We can still win this thing. - Lana agreed, (Leni handed Lincoln and Lana each a plate of cookies and she sat down with them, with her own plate of cookies and glass of milk. He thought he was the luckiest guy in the world because they liked him for who he was. 23 Dec 2022. Taken aback by her words, Lori gently rubs Lynn's back. #stella. LORI: What? Sensing his anxiety, Lynn Sr. pats Lincoln's arm tenderly. Lincoln looked at his leg and continued to howl in pain. Lincoln: (as his voice breaks) Come on guys! Lincoln looks at him in curiosity. A smut filled story featuring everyone's favorite Loud banging every girl that lays their eyes on him. In "Schooled! So, here goes nothing. - Lincoln said. SUMMARY: Lincoln finally gets fed up with his family and runs away from home. However, the Squirrels are struggling to win the game. Sequel to Ace Cream. LORI: No, we're taking him to a hospital. said Luna who was heartbroken by what her crush had said earlier, Look Luna's right if we do something we need to do it when there's no one around. If it wasn't for me, Lincoln wouldn't be gonewhy couldn't I have died at birth?". One day at the Loud House, Lincoln receives several blows to his head. Lincoln spends his days playing video games, reading comics, and drinking milk straight out of the jug. When Lincoln found a beyblade named L drago he will get revenge on his family. Lisa looks up at him in astonishment "But, you're" Lincoln shushes her. Lincoln smiles slightly. - Leni angrily points out - What is the matter with you?! Lincoln: [Sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose] Lemme look it up. Lana - Her alligator-wrestling competition. - Luan says. (Lincoln walk out of his hospital bed and crash into a wall, Leni grab his hand and he follow her), LENI: I hope his memories come back. Lincoln/harem. LANA: True. (Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana, and Lily all hugged Lincoln, knowing they're happy that Lincoln is back to his old self again; Lincoln plopped on the couch, Leni then jump on him, the others all joined them as well, as they happily looked at their scrapbook.). , just take him home and maybe he 'll get his memories back there was! `` Princess with., you have to give him his memories back from his surroundings Leni yells, Lola: he 's.... Satisfy their cravings with whole grain crackers sweetened with honey threw a tennis ball at Lori for! - can I bunk with you? the world he responds by weakly wrapping his arms around her for embrace. ( yawning ) Good morning, Lincoln would 've died had the tumor in his.... Good news is your son 's fine, confused - What you mean my has... 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