p. 64). Taneuarangi = Pahi, Te Watene Taputerangi = Mere Whakaoi, O, Family Tree. The text of this song and the explanatory notes were given by Raureti Mokonuiarangi to Sir Apirana Ngata. Pukainga pakeke.He hinganga rangatira. No te horonga ka hoea a Hinematioro me te mokopuna me Te Hemanawa i runga waka, ka tahuri; ko te kuia ra i ngaro atu. From the heights of Wairaka, as I backward gaze, I taia ano te waiata nei i te tau 1856 e Shortland ki tana pukapuka: Traditions and Superstitions, p. 183. Kaore he tarutaru e tupu ana ki runga inaianei, engari i mua, e ai ki te korero, he rakau e tupu ana kapi tonu, he waahi hoki e haerea ana e nga tangata o Kawhia ki reira ngahau ai. Na Rangaika i patu ki Orangimoa i Te Wairoa. Te Tora was a brother of Hikitanga; who was killed by the Ngati-Kahungunu at Tuhara (Whakaki) in the district of Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, the killing was a murder. Tena ka riro i runga i te pokai kawariki. Na Paratene Ngata te whakamarama penei: He ngakau koingo, tumanako, wawata, he aroha nui. I whai a Taranaki maunga kia riro i a ia nga wahine a Tongariro. Anxious thoughts, etc.The term in the Maori text is te tuhi, which some people think should be written as Te Tuhi, and was the name of a man. Ko Te Karewa, e huaina nei i roto i te waiata, ko te ingoa o te moutere i waho o nga moana o Aotea me Kawhia; e hara i te motu i waho o Tauranga i whakaarotia ai e Apirana i tana tuhinga i Nga Moteatea. Ko nga whakamarama i runga ake nei na Pei Te Hurinui. Kaore te po nei te mariri te hau; Ko au ki raro nei riringi ai te ua i aku kamo. Men of Heretaunga lost their lives during the lifetime of these men, because of Hinekirikiri-a-Kaipaoe (The Maid-of-the-sands-prone-to-wander). Mare.E ki ana a Tuta Ngarimu he ingoa iti tenei no Te Kotiri. Waaka, o Tuhourangi. He matua me ngaro. Dogskin cloak.The war mantle of a chief, worn as a cloak. You, O son, standing there away to the south. 4. No te Kawakawa (Te Araroa) tenei tipuna, a i waiatatia atu te tangi nei i reira. Ko te ingoa o tenei parekura ko te One-i-haea, mo te haenga a Poroa i te rohe hei mutunga mai mo te riri, kia ora ai he toenga mo te iwi o Te Houhou. Whakaurupa taku aroha, nai. It may be seen there adhering to a rock, named Ihutoto. I pungaia te tangata ki te wai o te ra, The Plume of Mahina.On arrival from Hawaiki of the Arawa canoe at Ratanui, in the vicinity of Tikirau, the bloom of the Rata on shore was observed by the crew, and they thereupon threw their head plumes into the sea; the plumes were named Tuhaepo and Tuhaao. Rangi.Ko Rangiaho, wahine a Te Heuheu Tukino, tipuna o Te Heuheu Tukino, M.L.C. 1840s Te Ngahuru's Lament - for his wrecked waka taua. Puia manuka ki te hoko tirange Ka haere iho a Parearohi, ka moea i nga po tana tane Maori, ko te Heiraura te ingoa. I te tainga tuatahi kaore i mohiotia na wai tenei waiata. Washed ashore.In another version this has been rendered as Rauwiri noa, which is synonomous with pae noa (washed ashore). Ka paea ki te one ki Waihi, ki taku matua nui Rahuiokehu, Paparoa, Whanaupurei, Whakapapa, Puangauru (f) = Te Koaoao = Hineawa, Miriama Mapere, Herewini Waitatari. Full performances of mteatea with lyrics provided on screen. Te Rangitautini.He rangatira ano no Tuhourangi, i mate ki Mokoia. Ki te ao e rere mai ra runga i Totara, e; Maroheia.A stone at Matakaoa, on the headland out from Wharekahika. He kupu ranei, mo te tuiri mo te awangawanga. Te mokai puku nei nana rawa i tekateka, 6. 10 Moe noa mai i te moenga roa. Close suggestions . 6. In the text of another song the following lines occur: Even at Te Ra-torua there was a survivor; 48. 7. Ki te wai koropupu i heria mai nei 17. Tau rawa ki te whare Te Hapuku returned to live at his own home. Kuhukuhu.Another chief of the Aitanga-a-Hauiti tribe. The lands of the Ngati-Kahungunu in Hawkes Bay and Wairarapa were then deserted; the people having fled to Nukutaurua. Te Whakapapa tika tenei o Te Momo mona te Waiata nei. 19. Te Whatuiapiti spent the greater part of his life in open fighting, where men fought face to face and shoulder to shoulder, from Heretaunga to Wairarapa and from Heretaunga to Wairoa. Kei tetahi oriori e ki ana: Ka patu ki te ihu, ka patu ki te ta, ka whakapaea ki uta ra.. The name of this battle was Te One-i-haea (The Demarcatedbeach), so named because Poroa laid down a boundary where the fighting was to cease, so as to save the lives of the survivors of the people of Te Houhou. Tenei te tu nei kei roto i a te puku. He wanted Te Rohu to be his wife, but he was not acceptable. Kotahi te kupu i whakawhitia e Te Rauparaha, kei te rarangi tuatahi ko te ingoa o Kawhia nana i huri ko Honipaka.. Ko Honipaka he kurae, e kiia nei e te Pakeha, Albatross Point, kei te taha tonga o te wahapu o te moana o Kawhia. Ko te waiata nei na te tohunga ra na Te Ngo i tito. Hence these mountains quarrelled and separated, and dispersed to divers parts of the land. Haramai e te tuhi, Mairatia iho te waha kai rongorongo e 1. Whakarongo te taringa, Ko tenei waiata kua taia ki Nga Moteatea: kei reira e kiia ana, He Tangi na nga tupuna o Te Wharepouri. Ko Te Wharepouri no Te Atiawa. Ko tenei tangi mo Pahoe, taina o Te Arakirangi, na Tanehuruao, he rangatira no Te Whanau-a-Hinetapora. 15 I pungaia te tangata ki te one i Takawhiti, 2. Ahuriri.The lagoon at Napier, figuratively used here for Hawkes Bay. Aku tangi m koutou There came a northerly breeze, followed by hurried footsteps. Te Rangipouri, of the Turehu people prevailed upon his daughter Parearohi, to go forth and take unto herself a Maori husband, with the object of forming a link between his Turehu people and the Maori, because he realised that the power of this land had been taken over by the Maori. Katahi ta taona ki te pungapunga, kaore i maoa. Plume of the sea.The smooth feathers, taken from under the wings of the. Tauramatua.He ingoa no Te Rakahurumai. 58. 1. (Ref. Mate ki te iwi. 10 Ko he anuhe tawatawa. This song was also published in 1856 by Shortland in his book Traditions and Superstitions, p. 183. It would appear that both versions were subsequent adaptations, and the original version is as printed hereunder. After the canoes had moved on the plumes were discovered by Mahina. SoundCloud Troy & Tangihaere - Kaore Te Aroha by Aotearoasmosttalented published on 2016-07-13T06:15:39Z. Hoko a tirange.He huihuinga na ratau. Kei roto e huri popoki ana te waka nei a Nukutaimemeha, e kiia nei, ko te waka tera i hiia ai e Maui te whenua. Kei waho koutou, e kai ora i ahau, i. The chiefs Kiwara and others, rushed forward to prevent him being roasted. 5 Naku i moumou, na Pawa i whakaerere, e; Ko te Roto-a-Tara tena, ko te Aratipi, ko Maungawharau, ko Te Kaupapa, ko Te Pakake. Where my people gather.In the Maori text. 2. 2. Wharekawakawa.Kei te ngaro tenei. Ma te Whare po rutu, Those which went towards the sea were Whakaari (White Island) and Mou-tohora (Whale Island) and Paepae-aotea (a small rock islet near White Island), and Putauaki (Mount Edgecumbe). The Tuhoe folk have another version of the story of the mountains which has been recorded in Best's book, Tuhoe p. 983. 7. 9. Te Momo was killed there. Ka u kai tohou one, kai Whekenui, e. Hoatu, kia kawea nga pito kauika Kohurepuku.He tipuna no Ani wahine a Rev. HE W AI AT A AROHA [nga moteatea 68. Page 431 and 432: Te Rua hiki hiki i a Rangi uhia Tip. Ka tangi a ia ki te moumou o ona tamariki. Poihakena.Port Jackson in Sydney harbour. M. 116, e penei ana, me he ika mate au, e., 4. Te Koreke.This is a reef out from Whangaipotikion the sea-ward side of Wharepongawhere crayfish traps were set. 22. Totara.A fortified pa above Te Kawakawa (Te Araroa); it is identical with the one mentioned in the lament for Te Whetukamokamo (Song 21). 2. After the death of Renata, who was drowned with his father Te Rakahurumai, the widow of Renata, Rawinia, was given to wife for Erueti Rena, then a young man. Ki Nga Moteatea (Kerei) e penei ana te kawea au te tere. Ko tona tikanga ia ko te tere mo te tangata heke ara kua mahue tona kainga ake. 10. 10. On the wanton urging of Mokonuiarangi.. I haere ratau ko Pehia ma ki Mokoia, ka mahue iho a Te Kohika. 22. Taiporutu.Kei Whareponga, Waiapu; he urupa. During the Waikato war in 1863, after the fall of Rangiriri, some of the Maori prisoners were placed aboard a man-of-war at Auckland, McGregor was one of the British guards in charge of the prisoners, and he prevailed upon some of them to record the songs which were subsequently published in the book mentioned above. 43. 16. 4. 10 Ko te rara i tae atu ki Taitai-e-rangi, Ka mea e koro, ka unga mai i ahau, Ki ta Te Peehi e penei ke ana nga kupu, Tikapa o te hau., 12. 40 Te makau a te hoa; Kite.The Maori name for kite is manu-aute, but for euphony it is often rendered as manu-tu, as is the case in this song. I taia ano tenei waiata ki te pukapuka a McGregor Maori Songs, p. 75. That then is tautenga (which the translator has feebly rendered as harvest.). Awhero.Ki runga ki ona whakaaro i hua ai. (Ref. Te Hamaiwaho was killed in the fighting against the northern tribes; it is said he fell at Whakatane. Te Apiti.A narrow waterway opening out to the open sea. See Maori text for pedigree. Ka mihi mamao au ki te iwi ra ia, It has been remarked that the descendants of Te Momo have straight hair. Ki te kai tiotio i tiria ki te mapou. : S. 43, 44, S. 2/38, S. 3/74, W. 4, W. p. 87, B. n Mihi-ki-te-Kapua o Tuhoe, c.1873 3/139 that this song was composed by Te Kahu for his wife; his informant was Paitini Wi Topeka (Te Whatu) of Tuhoe. 6. Kahotea.E tata ana a Kahotea ki te Roto-a-Tara. 19. 10 Kei nga ihu waka taurua, kei o tipuna, The seer produced two divining sticks, naming one Te Houhou and the other Poroa. The text adopted is that of Hone. I te huka o te tai; Hei matakitaki ma te nui 'Ati-Maru, Toss.In Nga Moteatea (Grey) and S.L. Paratene Ngata gives the following explanation: A spirit of yearning, hope, or great love. Taiawhio.No Tuhourangi ano, i mate ki Mokoia. Sometime later 'Wheta and his people went to the home of Uenuku, with the intention of beguiling him, but Rongouaroa had warned Uenuku and the intended treachery was discovered. Pareihe.The leader of the Ngati-Kahungunu on their return to Hawkes Bay. I te Ra-kungia, I haria hoki ki Tongariro tanu ai. The poet's sons were born at a critical period when fearful wars were raging in Heretaunga. It was he who found the body of Pahoe in a heap of tangled driftwood. Kia tia taku rangi Rua; Ruanui.He tipuna; no roto i tona tatai a Te Houhou. This is apparently only a fragment of the song which was supplied by Hone Ngatoto. E te apa tarewa, i e. He rau tahuritanga ki te kopainga whare. Houhora.A village between Mangonui and Muriwhenua. Kua mahue te whenua o Ngati Kahuhunu ki Heretaunga, me Wairarapa i taua wa; kua heke nga iwi ki Nukutaurua. 5 Ka pa kai raro, kai te pohatu; E awhi reinga ana i raro ra. The text was supplied by Te Hati Pakaroa, and Heni Turei gave the explanatory material; the song itself was recorded on gramophone by Te Hati, and this has now been placed in the Dominion Museum in Wellington for safe-keeping. Pahura.He rangatira no te Aitanga-a-Hauiti. Harvest.The term used in the Maori text is tautenga which is descriptive of: The hauling ashore of the fishing nets, the scaling, the gutting, the drying and the roasting; one who dies in battle is similarly treated. He tamahine a Ahumai na Karangi. Wheao was a fortified pa above Te Hauke, the trenches of which are still intact; and that is the place where this lullaby was sung. Family Tree. No te tau 1852 ka mate a Te Rakahurumai ki te moana, he haerenga ki te hi ika i te taunga warehou i Otuauri. Leave behind.In the Maori text, Mairatia iho, which is explained as make audible.. Ki nga korero tawhito, ko Hoturoa o runga i te waka nei i a Tainui, te mea tuatahi i tanumia ki Muriwhenua. The Ngati Kahungunu there killed him; this killing of course, followed closely on their (Ngati Kahungunu) defeat by Waikato at Te Pakake. Kia tamirotia, kia pine mai, Kaore ra ia te para i a Taho He korero nui tenei no tawahi mai. 6. Tirohia M. 226 me te N.M. 356. 15 I te wa, e hika, koi piri tahai ana, e i. 272, O mesdames.. Koia te kautiti I whanau ona tamariki i roto i nga ra i a Te Whatuiapiti. Wharewera.A place in the Akuaku valley. Kokota.Ka mate i a Ngapuhi, ka kainga, ka mahue nga koiwi i kona haupu ai, pera i te kokota, i te pipi, i te aha. Te Wairongo; I whakamoea te mokai a Kiharoa, ki te wahine o Ngati-Raukawa. 7. ka puta he kino ki te hinengaro o te tangata e mau ana, a tera ano etahi atu ingoa kaore i te rite ki te ture . Ngai Tahu: Tahu Potoki, "Ka noho a tane ka noho ia Hinetitama." -- Ngati Porou: Robert Ruha, "Kaore te aroha e huri ki roto ra." -- Rongowhakaata: Puka Moeau, "Kaore te po nei morikarika noa.". Pa kai raro, kai te pohatu ; e awhi reinga ana i raro ra,., taina o te tai ; Hei matakitaki ma te nui 'Ati-Maru, nga... Tahai ana, e ; Maroheia.A stone at Matakaoa, on the plumes discovered. Chiefs Kiwara and others, rushed forward to prevent him being roasted a spirit of yearning, hope or. 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