For all you seasoned Autodesk Inventor users out there, you likely already know how much time you can save by using shortcuts. ZOOM SELECTED / Zooms in on a specifically selected item. ASSIGN MATERIALS / Opens the assign materials dialogue box to assign materials to a component. TUBE & PIPE AUTHORING / Authors an iPart or a normal part for publishing to the Content Center Library. GENERAL DIMENSION / Adds a dimension to a sketch or drawing. USER WORK PLANE VISIBILITY / Makes work planes visible. Also displays the mesh over the undeformed model. The following table represents a subset of the shortcut keys and command aliases predefined in Inventor. CONTOUR FLANGE / Creates a contour flange. In the graphic window or browser, select components to move or rotate. DATUM IDENTIFIER SYMBOL / Adds a datum identifier symbol. ROUTE / Routes cables and wires manually. Trke srm EDIT FORM / Edits an existing form to add, remove, or modify controls. FEATURE CONTROL FRAME / Places a feature control frame in drawing files. (2), August Rotate Holding down F4 or the shift key, plus the scroll button will rotate objects. ZOOM WINDOW / Zooms in on a specified area. CONVERGENCE PLOT / Displays the plot within a dialog box. CREATE SIMULATION / Creates new simulation. ZOOM WINDOW / Zooms to the area you define with a window. COLD WELL / Defines the cold wells that are at the end of the sprue or on a runner. CREATE VIEW / Adds a new presentation view. RECTANGULAR PATTERN / Creates rectangular pattern of feature. TRACE / Creates the absolute or relative kinematic values (trajectory, velocity, and acceleration) of one or more points placed anywhere on a component. We have become a trusted technology advisor to our customers through the breadth and depth of our service offering and technical expertise, our commercial flexibility and high levels of customer service and understanding. EJECTOR / Creates an ejector pin to eject a plastic part. DETAIL VIEW / Provides circular and rectangular shapes of detail profile. * PD PROPERTY DISPLAY / Displays properties for the selected objects. Enjoy your visit. a bit like clicking the mouse wheel , scroll the wheel? AUTO RUNNER SKETCH / Creates an auto runner sketch. CIRCULAR PATTERN / Creates circular pattern of sketch geometry. MEASURE DISTANCE / Opens the Measure Distance window. TWEAK COMPONENTS / Tweaks components in a presentation. COOLING COMPONENT / Specifies the components that conduct the coolant through the cooling channels. AUTOMATIC ROUTE / Automatically routes one or more selected wires into segments based on the shortest path through the network and the segment opening that is closest to the wire start and endpoints. REPORT / Process reports for the active harness assembly. IMATE GLYPH / Activates the iMate Glyph tool. BEAM LABELS / Toggles display of beam labels. CREATE SEGMENT / Creates a harness segment. Its easy to get started. BASELINE SET, ANIMATE, ARC / Activates the Baseline Set, Animate, or Arc tool, depending on the work environment. ISOGEN OUTPUT / Saves a file with a specified name and ISOGEN file type. Use the Zoom command on the standard toolbar to zoom the view in the graphics window in or out to achieve the desired scale. DERIVED MOTION / Creates or edits a derived route. INCLUDE GEOMETRY / Introduces reference geometry to the route sketch. CONVERGENCE PLOT / Displays the plot within a dialog box. RETRIEVE DIMENSIONS / Retrieves model dimensions in a drawing. How do I rotate a part in a Solid Edge assembly? Global . In the graphics window double click the view to access the ViewCube. *, CREATE HEEL / Creates one or more heels on an insert.*. A shortcut can be defined using any of the following keys or key combinations: Other keys, including function can have reserved shortcuts assigned to them, but these keys are not user-definable. Learn Inventor hotkeys and commands with the Inventor Shortcut Keyboard guide to help you work faster and be more efficient while using Inventor software. MESH SETTINGS / Specifies the mesh sizing and coarseness. ), ZOOM SELECTED / Realtime zoom in and out of the graphics window. How do you rotate a model in Inventor 2021? HARNESS PROPERTIES / Custom properties of harness components. Connect with: Browser node must. COOLING COMPONENT / Specifies the components that conduct the coolant through the cooling channels. PREVIOUS VIEW / Returns to the last display. CONTOUR SHADING / Displays color changes using a strict banding between colors. PLACE CONNECTOR VIEWS / Places connector views. There are several ways to reposition bodies in a multibody part in Autodesk Inventor. TOGGLE TRANSPARENT STATE / Toggles transparency. LOAD VALUES / Toggles display of load values. EDIT BASE SKETCH / Edits the base 3D sketch. BEAM MATERIALS / Enables you to change the material of the beam. CF FIXED CONSTRAINT / Applies a fixed constraint on selected faces, edges, or vertices. The cursor changes to the pan cursor. TORQUE / Applies torque on the selected objects. (1), December Click Apply or OK. MAXIMUM RESULT / Turns on and off the display of the point of maximum result in the mode. VERTICAL / Activates the vertical constraint tool. CATERPILLAR / Adds a weld caterpillar annotation. FAN OUT / Equally distributes wire stubs about the endpoint of a segment using the specified angle and sorting direction. SHEET METAL DEFAULTS / Changes the options and parameters for the active sheet metal part from those options defined by the selected Sheet Metal Rule. 2017 - A combination of the Shift key along with a numeric key (0-9), punctuation key, or one of the following keys: Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Up Arrow, Down Arrow. INSERT NODE / Inserts route node into segment. CATERPILLAR / Adds a weld caterpillar annotation. To modify the settings, click Settings, and enter changes. INCLUDE GEOMETRY / Introduces reference geometry to the route sketch. Browser node must be selected, then use F2 to enter rename mode. ORDINATE DIMENSION SET / Activates the Ordinate Dimension Set command. In the Move Type pop-up menu of the Move Bodies dialog box, click Rotate About Line . Whether youre an Inventor pro, or still learning the ropes, these shortcuts will make using Inventor more straightforward, as well as speed up the process. And here is the answer to your How to rotate in inventor? GROOVE WELD / Creates a groove weld feature in a weldment assembly that connects two face sets with a solid weld bead. AUTO DIMENSION / Prompts the Auto Dimension dialog box. SAME SCALE / Maintains the same scale while viewing different results. Click 3D Model tab Modify panel Move Bodies . HOME VIEW / Rotates objects in the graphics window into an isometric orientation. Other keys, including function can have reserved shortcuts assigned to them, but these keys are not user-definable. 6. Shortcut lists can be shared as long as you don't create a database. /), or one of the following keys: Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Up Arrow, Down Arrow. About the Autodesk Inventor View Interface, To Work with Custom Command Aliases and Shortcuts, Predefined Command Alias and Shortcut Reference, Do not sell or share my personal information, Toggles ortho draw mode on or off for 3D sketch lines or splines. ORIGIN AXES VISIBILITY / Makes the default origin axes visible. UNROUTE / Unroutes selected wires from selected segments. question, read on. PROJECTED VIEW / Creates a projected view. The following table represents a subset of the shortcut keys and command aliases predefined in Inventor. Drag to achieve the desired rotation. 2D DRAWING / Creates one or more drawing documents. Use the arrow cursor to click and drag the view to the desired scale. Use the options in the Incremental View Rotate dialog box to set the model orientation. USER WORK POINTS VISIBILITY / Makes work points visible. The following table represents a subset of the shortcut keys and command aliases predefined in Inventor. 1. ASSIGN MATERIALS / Opens the assign materials dialogue box to assign materials to a component. Help for the active command or dialog box. Global F5 Previous View Returns to the previous view. EXTEND / Makes surfaces larger in one or more directions. FLOATING PINNED CONSTRAINT / Adds floating pinned constraint. 3. CREATE WIRE / Creates a wire between selected pins within a harness assembly. MOMENT LOAD / Applies a load of the specified magnitude around the axis and perpendicular to the face. SMOOTH SHADING / Displays color changes using a blended transition. F5: PREVIOUS VIEW / Returns to the last display. CIRCULAR PATTERN / Creates circular pattern of sketch geometry. About the Autodesk Inventor View Interface, To Work with Custom Command Aliases and Shortcuts, Predefined Command Alias and Shortcut Reference, Do not sell or share my personal information, Toggles ortho draw mode on or off for 3D sketch lines or splines. ASSIGN VIRTUAL PARTS / Assigns virtual parts. /), or one of the following keys: Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Up Arrow, Down Arrow. MOMENT / Applies the general moment to the selected beam. (1), March If not is there a way to set it up using some kind of customization tool? Platform detected: Windows or Linux (not macOS), Other languages: Do not sell or share my personal information, Click Pan or press F2. CROP / Use to set boundary type and visibility of crop cut lines for crop operations. Using the Bodies selector , select one or more bodies in the graphics window. 0. Drag to achieve the desired rotation. EDIT BASE SKETCH / Edits the base 3D sketch. PROMOTE / Removes a part from a subassembly and makes it an individual part in the parent assembly. CHAMFER NOTE / Adds a chamfer note to a drawing view. ROTATE / Rotates objects in the graphics window. EXPORT / Exports to robot structural analysis. IsoTopRightViewOrientation), or may define transformation to get arbitrary Camera orientations using properties. DIRECT EDIT / Allows you to make quick edits to existing solids. INFER CONSTRAINTS / Toggles apply constraints on and off. RELEASE / Assigns a release of specified degrees of freedom to a selected beam in a structure. HEM / Creates a folded hem along sheet metal edges. In model views, when selecting a component or subassembly, accesses the Select Other drop-down menu. RECTANGULAR PATTERN / Opens the Rectangular Pattern dialog box. FEATURE CONTROL FRAME / Places a feature control frame in drawing files. THREE POINT RECTANGLE / Draws a three-point rectangle using dynamic input. In model views, when selecting a component or subassembly, accesses the Select Other drop-down menu. A combination of the Shift key along with a numeric key (0-9), punctuation key, or one of the following keys: Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Up Arrow, Down Arrow. You have been detected as being from . VISUAL BASIC EDITOR / Launches the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor. F6: SHOW ALL CONSTRAINTS / Displays all constraints. CENTER POINT CIRCLE / Draws a center point circle using dynamic input. FEATURE IDENTIFIER SYMBOL / Adds a feature identifier symbol. Autodesk Inventor is full of many useful tools that allow you to control how you work with and see your project, and these shortcuts will assist in accelerating your experience. EXTEND / Makes surfaces larger in one or more directions. SMOOTH SHADING / Displays color changes using a blended transition. ELLIPSE / Creates an ellipse with a center point, a major axis, and a minor axis that you define. BEAM DETAIL / Displays detailed results (diagrams, tables) for the selected beams of a structure. REPLACE COMPONENT / Replaces one assembly component with another component. Part /Assembly (not available in Inventor LT). TWO POINT RECTANGLE / Draws a two-point rectangle using dynamic input. ORDINATE DIMENSION / Adds an ordinate dimension. MOVE COMPONENT / Activates the Move Component command. VISUAL BASIC EDITOR / Launches the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor. MANUAL CONTACT / Adds manual contact conditions to selected geometry elements. DYNAMIC SIMULATION SETTINGS / Sets options that apply to the entire Dynamic Simulation session. To translate this article, select a language. PLACE PIN / Places a pin. CONNECTOR AUTHORING / Adds Cable and Harness-specific data to complete the definition of connectors for use in Cable and Harness. Purchase Autodesk Inventor from the Redstack online store today. Privacy settings | Privacy/Cookies | About our Ads | Legal | Report Noncompliance | Do not sell my personal information | Site map | 2020 Autodesk Inc. All rights reserved, Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Software installation, registration & licensing. Creates rectangular pattern of feature or sketch geometry. In a sketch, moves spline shape points. MANUAL CONTACT / Adds manual contact conditions to selected geometry elements. ANALYZE INTERFERENCE / Analyzes assemblies for interference. HARNESS DIMENSION / Adds a driven, aligned dimension between 2 points. Screen Menu Right Click on the screen to bring up the screen menus This handy shortcut enables quick and easy command selection. MOVE SEGMENT / Drags segment to a new location. RIGID LINK / Enables you to define a rigid link between selected nodes in a frame structure. BRV BREAK / Creates a broken, foreshortened view. LOCAL MESH CONTROL / Adds a local mesh control. (4), February PATTERN COMPONENT / Selects one or more components to include in the pattern. Ohh YES sjames98 Thank You :)). *, PLACE CORE AND CAVITY / Places or deletes imported core and cavity.*. You may use predefined orientations (e.g. TORQUE / Applies torque on the selected objects. In the Rotate View dialog, specify whether to rotate by an edge or an angle: Specify whether to rotate the dependent views: Move the mouse left-right to rotate the view about the vertical screen axis. View predefined shortcut keys and command aliases by selecting Tools tab Options panel Customize and select the Keyboard tab. EQUAL / Constrains curves to equal radius or length. Activates the Feature Control Frame command. EQUAL / Constrains curves to equal radius or length. RENAME / Rename browser node. LOCAL MESH CONTROL / Adds a local mesh control. (1), April .more .more 94 Dislike Share SolidProfessor. Zooming, Panning, and Rotating in Inventor 2015 19,530 views Apr 3, 2015 Learn the techniques to zoom, pan, and rotate objects with your mouse. MOVE / Moves selected sketch geometry from point to point, or move a copy of the geometry. DETAIL VIEW / Provides circular and rectangular shapes of detail profile. The Zoom command remains active until you select another command. Autodesk Inventor (2022) ADJUST ORIENTATION / Prompts the Adjust Orientation dialog box. Switches sketch planes for lines and splines. MAXIMUM RESULT / Turns on and off the display of the point of maximum result in the mode. COLOR BAR / Displays the Color Bar settings dialog box where you adjust the color bar display parameters. ), ZOOM SELECTED / Realtime zoom in and out of the graphics window. ROUTE / Starts or continues route definition. ORIGIN POINTS VISIBILITY / Makes the default origin points visible. Please take the time to examine our site if you have any additional queries about Autodesk inventor software. CABLE & HARNESS LIBRARY / Adds new library definitions, and modifies, copies, and deletes existing library definitions for harness objects such as wires, cables, raw ribbon cables, and virtual parts. DEFINE WORKPIECE SETTING / Enables you to generate a rectangular or cylindrical workpiece, which is the precondition for generating the core and cavity. To get the shortcuts key, you can set it from customization Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard, set the categories to View, get the free orbit, then set the keys. DERIVED MOTION / Creates or edits a derived route. Help for the active command or dialog box. More information. Therefore, companies and industries use it almost everywhere. TWEAK COMPONENTS / Tweaks components in a presentation. HOME VIEW / Rotates objects in the graphics window into an isometric orientation. THREAD / Creates threads in holes or on shafts, studs, or bolts. You can set the angular rotation of an object around a central axis. PROBE / Activates the Probe command. ORTHO MODE / Toggles Ortho Mode (3D Sketch only). Click in the image to define one corner of the window. Below, you'll find the Inventor one-key shortcuts. BEND NOTES / Creates or edits a bend note. RENAME / Rename browser node. MEASURE DISTANCE / Opens the Measure Distance window. NODE LABELS / Toggles display of node labels. MESH VIEW / Displays the element mesh used in the solution with the result contours. PINNED CONSTRAINT / Applies pinned constraint when no displacement and free rotation is allowed on beam or node. FILLET / Adds fillets or rounds to one or more edges of a part, between two face sets, or between three adjacent face sets. Inventor: In assemblies, applies a mate constraint. ORIGIN AXES VISIBILITY / Makes the default origin axes visible. Work faster and more efficiently by using the Inventor keyboard commands and shortcuts below. Activates the Feature Control Frame command. BO BODY LOAD / Defines angular velocity or angular or linear acceleration for the model. Ctrl+F4 to close individual windows/parts - right there next to my left hand and right next to ctrl+tab to switch windows. Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard, set the categories to View, get the free orbit, then set the keys. SHEET METAL DEFAULTS / Changes the options and parameters for the active sheet metal part from those options defined by the selected Sheet Metal Rule. PLACE FITTING / Picks up a fitting from your project work space to place into the active run. 6/29/2022 12:23:19 AM New program added. STEERING WHEELS / Displays the Steering Wheel view tool. Please temporarily enable JavaScript in your browser to post text. PROBE LABELS / Toggles the visibility of probe labels. RECONNECT WIRE PINS / Reconnects wire pins. FILLET / Creates a fillet in part and assembly files. I can do this by opening the view steering wheel and locking the center to some point of geometry around . Privacy | Do not sell or share my personal information | Cookie preferences | Report noncompliance | Terms of use| 2023 Autodesk Inc. All rights reserved. COOLING CHANNEL / Creates a cooling channel. IMPORT HARNESS DATA / Imports harness data. PATTERN COMPONENT / Selects one or more components to include in the pattern. UNROUTE / Unroutes selected wires from selected segments. COOLING CHANNEL CHECK / Checks cooling channels for safety, interference, and distance between cooling system segments. MECHANISM STATUS AND REDUNDANCIES / Provides model status information and guides you through the process of repairing redundant constraints. 1. REPLACE COMPONENT / Replaces one assembly component with another component. Click to quit. Drag in the desired direction. COPY COMPONENTS / Creates a copy of the component. FRICTIONLESS CONSTRAINT / Applies a frictionless constraint on selected faces. 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