View wiki source for this page without editing. In order to really understand the archfey, we have to understand where to find them. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. On each of his turns, Hyrsam can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide actions. Pronunciation of hyrsam with 2 audio pronunciations. He always dresses in ordinary traveling clothes when interacting Among them, brambles, quicklings, spriggans, and evil eladrin can be found. Three easy options for patrons, if youre looking for a good, neutral, and evil triad of choices, are Titania, the Queen of Air and Darkness, and Hrysam. She often travels in this hut from plane to plane, constantly learning more about magic and the multiverse. You also should find something that makes your archfey stand out. 5 (-3) Skills Perception +3. Portals can pop up just about anywhere, with many creatures falling in and out of their respective planes of existence. Personally, If I run her, I would increase her hp to 240 (32d8+96) at a minimum, otherwise I feel she would die to quickly. For more fey creatures, check out my fey compendia! All have been chronomancers with mastery over time; time acts strangely within the First World, but Shyka seems able to . Made Solar Knight into a sidhe. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Druid: Circle of Spores. Selkie Traits. Hags are well known for being pact owners, but basically any powerful Fey being from folklore should work. If your group is using the crafting rules from Xanathars Guide to Everything, you can try to make them yourself There are low-level items that anyone in the party can use as well as items only the wizards or the Magic Missile is one of the most popular low-level spells available to arcane spellcasters Wand . Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French). Related: The Complete Class Guide to the Warlock in D&D 5e! Increased CR of the Coure, Bralani, Noviere, Verdani, Verenestra, and Maiden of the Moon. This archfey rules over the unseelie court and promotes much more straightforward chaos than her sister. On average, you'll roll a 10 or 11 (the actual average for 3d6 is 10.5) for your Ability Scores if you roll 3d6. Click here for tips on how to roleplay fey and archfey in the Feywild. In classic literature, Prince Oberon lies within this domain. Click here to edit contents of this page. Frightening Strain. The Fields of Spring is one aspect of the Feywild governing the Spring Court, wherein an endless meadow of tall grass, flowers, and many hedges roam. Verenestra (CR 15): The daugher of Titania and Oberon and the fairest nymph of all, Verenestra is a being of beauty and infatuation. She is often described as an immensely beautiful and powerful eladrin but is sometimes elevated to a higher status of godhood then just archfey. If you have the pleasure of making her acquaintance, do not accept any of her offers, but offer her a cup of tea for her hard work. It says that archdevils are typically considered quasi-deities, but in some cases they may be lower-ranked demigods, solely for the purposes of granting spells to their followers. RIDING HORSE - 5e stats. Often, this shows up in an obsession over a belief or even an object. And for more interesting monsters, check out my other supplements! Large beast ( animal ), unaligned. In older planar supplements, the Seelie Court has often represented good-aligned fey and even associated with other planar realms like the Beastlands, Ysgard, and Arborea. [2], He always carried a fiddle and fiddlestick, as well as a horn of revelry. Interestingly, if the Forgotten Realms wiki entry for her is accurate, both the Queen of Air . Bio: Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools, is thought to be the first satyr. Difficult. Absolutely love this book. Well, thats a very interesting question with a sort of indefinite answer. Oberon is commonly referred to as the King of the Faeries and written by Willaim Shakespeare as consort to Queen Titania, the Summer Queen, and often depicted as theleader of the Seelie Court. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I'm currently making a Bard/Warlock (You could say Bardlock) that I'm planing on playing. Shyka the Many is one of the Eldest, a divine fey creature of tremendous power said to be able to reshape the very fabric of the First World on a whim. One of the oldest beings on Aenn, he roams the wild places of the world in search of nothing but entertainment. They see within mold and other fungi the ability to transform lifeless material into abundant, albeit somewhat strange, life. This effect lasts as long as Hyrsam continues to play the song, as if concentrating on a spell. He can sing the shine off gold, and his jokes and antics can cause stones to cry with laughter. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. Search Polymorph Blade 5e Magic Item. 5e Sidhe: The sidhe are the souls of elves reincarnated into the shape of free and powerful archfey. Thanks to homebrewery for creating such a fantastic website. Satyrs are raucous fey that resemble stout male humans with the furry lower bodies and cloven hooves of goats. It's a common magical item, but is magical, regardless. Dryads may evenhave fresh fruits and flowers in their leafy shawls. with drow, and gnomes capering alongside fomorians. [2], Rumors abounded about Hyrsam's covert political machinations, but these were actively refuted by his father Oran. Of times more than mere story She is also known to enlist the service of undead and even can be seen riding nightmares throughout her realm. As for abilities a lot of illusions other things that effect the mental state of the players. Demigods? As a DM, I would definitely rule this to be magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance, but I was met with some differing opinions when I discussed it with other DMs. Now available on the DMs Guild. Virage (CR 14): Fey embodiments of the beauty and cruelty of winter, virage love nothing more than to watch their victims starve and freeze to death. DEX. Hyrsam. DC 23: Legend holds that Hyrsam was born from the very first notes of music. Overview. Thanks again for reading and responding! Want a copy of the Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, or Dungeon Master's Guide? Choose your words carefully, and if you can, try to lead your players into verbal traps. Ghaele (CR 16): Beings of subterfuge, ghaele are the knights errant who infiltrate humanoid society on behalf of other fey. There's little fluff to it. All of the major archfey are included, each with their own unique concept to set them apart from any other creature, as well as adaptations of archfey from previous editions. Well be jumping into some of the lore about the most famous of these creatures, looking at how they relate to warlocks and the world around themselves as a whole, and how an interaction with one of these beings might go for you and your party. Hyrsam the Prince of Fools is a tall, handsome satyr with gazelle horns and a lovely purple & yellow vest. The Fields of Spring. Note: Something to keep in mind, while the current D&D lore sets a good/evil axis with the fey courts, understand that the fey does not share conventional viewpoints on morality like those in the Material Plane. Considering how many sales I already have on this product, it seems like it would be a better move for me to simply update this product instead of publishing a new one, so I will likely just be doing a major revamp of this supplement, plus a more minor revamp of my old products with sidhe in them to fit the new style. Click the links, pay the same price, a little comes back to us. This dichotomy will still be respected as Spring & Summer are traditionally aligned together and Autumn and Winter respectively. The Pain (an ephemeral entity that grants mortals the ability to feel pain) A sentient black hole. Hyrsam, The queen of air and darkness, The prince of frost. Twill be all nonny, nonny! 3 /5. As such, she embodies many of the same characteristics of this faerie queen. The plane is sometimes described as eternally basking in the light of a sun on the horizon which neither rises nor sets. Nathair Sgiathach is the patron deity of mischief and pranks, along with faerie dragons. Now understand, certain fey and forest entities are standard across all the courts. Notably, young nymphs and treants can easily be found within this portion of the Feywild. realm occupied by the fey creatures who would one day become the members of the Court of Stars. Indeed, some go so far as to say that he is music incarnate. And for more fey content created by me and my team, check out the Wild Court! He can wield his magic fiddlestick like a rapier, to deadly effect. Warlocks seek knowledge and power, and they have entered into a pact with a powerful being in order to obtain it. Although satyrs and their dark cousins, the satyrs of the night, comprise the majority of his complement, Hyrsam's retinue also includes dryads strolling with lamia, eladrin traveling. Traditional Faerie Song. A day in the feywild could be 100 years on the material plane or the complete opposite. These are the things that will motivate the archfey to seek out servants of their will. I'll definitely keep your input in mind for future approaches to Titania! Hyrsam can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Made the lunar ravager into a sidhe. Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools, is an ancient and most powerful being, who uses his magic as archlord of the Faewilds. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. Titania, the Summer Queen (CR 24, CR 26 with Lair Actions): The ruler of the Seelie fey of the Summer Court, Titania is a being of magnificent light and woven enchantments. No elves, no eladrin, and no drow existed then. Abeil: The industrious beefolk of the Feywild, the Abeil love nothing more than to work for the good of the palace-hive. 4e The madly capering home of Baba Yaga, this towering construct is a mighty threat in of itself. Proficiency Bonus +2 ( 5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR. Sovereign Elk (CR 20): A beast of immense size and power, Sovereign Elk roams the most remote realms of the Feywild, bringing destruction and new life in its wake. Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. with drow, and gnomes capering alongside fomorians. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Her time spent in the Abyss is well documented as she took notes on the political hierarchy of its inhabitants. Minor adjustment to Oberon. 3rd level: blink, plant growth. In that book, it talks about a ranking system for deities. What you roll is what you get. Added the Tuatha. On the feywild, time and distance operate in a wholly different way from the material plane. The only requirements for his revelers are a sincere love of the Feywild, a talent for music or storytelling, and a willingness to set aside the prejudices of their former lives requiring no material components: Multiattack. TLDR help me stat an illusory Satyr/trickster god for 3 level 5 party members. Butin most of those supplements,the Feywild did not exist, but you can include these Outer Planes having Fey Crossings to and from the Feywild in your setting. Females are slightly shorter and slimmer. In the meantime, I'll try to get an updated version of the sidhe in Fey Compendium I up, since. Update: Added links to guides to the Summer Court, Autumn Court, Winter Court, and Courtless articles. Really helpful stat blocks for a gaping hole left in the monster manual. Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut (CR 16): The madly capering home of Baba Yaga, this towering construct is a mighty threat in of itself. That said, Hyrsam has the most fondness for those who share his dream of returning the Feywild to its original unfettered condition. Most of the Archfey Warlock's abilities require their targets to make Wisdom saves. The Mother of All Witches, Baba Yaga is a terror to those whose homes she settles near, though her wisdom and knowledge is without peer. A day-long hike in one direction could take a month coming back the same route. Many of these sidhe are presented in their celestial forms in this collaborative supplement, along with details on their war on the Abyss! Also obligatory sorry for mobile formatting. Lord Kannoth of Cendriane (CR 13): Once a great eladrin lord, Lord Kannoth became a vampire after the fall of the legendary city of Cendriane, immersing himself in slaughter and dark magic. I hope this article has made you interested in the workings of fey creatures. Perhaps the smallest issue is with the lore. How powerful exactly are these archfey? We've already been saving your edits, so if you Imagine a vibrant, verdant grassland with the occasional spot of trees. He was a mischievous trickster who used guile and savagery to further his goals. To that end, his songs sow the seeds of rebellion wherever he goes, and his revelers offer whatever clandestine assistance they can to rebels and traitors. Archfey The few things that set these beings apart from gods are their emotions and their general connections to nature. From the 5e DMG: Page 49 The Feywild, also called the Plane of Faerie, is a land of soft lights and wonder, a place of music and death. Hyrsam may use a Warlock in his web of plots and political games. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In this depiction, the sun is often said to travel alongside you as it makes its path through the sky, rising in spring and setting in winter. Baba Yaga (CR 23, CR 25 with Lair Actions): The Mother of All Witches, Baba Yaga is a terror to those whose homes she settles near, though her wisdom and knowledge is without peer. Hyrsam regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn. If our archfey are worshipped to a level that a warlock in our campaign can be provided spells by them, then we have a demigod on our hands. [2], Though he outwardly presented himself as a fool, Hyrsam was exceedingly clever and manipulative,[2] with a streak of vicious savagery. Attack. I can't bring myself Cancelled D&D Beyond Subscriptions Forced Hasbro's Hand. The Satyr Prince Hyrsam, he sings Eventually, she returned to the feywild to create a domain of delight called Prismeer. Creatures that can't be charmed aren't affected. 2 thoughts on "Warlock Patrons: D&D . I just haven't gotten around to updating Fey Compendium I yet, because a great deal of those monsters are still being reworked (and I also keep forgetting, sorry about that). Well, thats enough of that. Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward..; These quests can be completed in any order. Unlike gods and pantheons, archfey is a title given to extremely powerful nigh-immortal beings of the feywild. These portals are said to be places where the barriers of the two worlds touch. While I also would expect her to have allies, I don't feel that should be taken into account of cr outside of pack tactics. Hyrsam can play his viol. He smiles wry as hes heard to sigh Though Hyrsam plays the fool for the nobles of the Feywild, he is both clever and erudite, with an in-depth understanding of how to manipulate others. . Of course, why would 5e make it easy for us to understand the most powerful beings in the universes we want to inhabit? In a passing comment I mentioned that the sea hag didnt believe that Hyrsam was really a god (I meant it as a boast of confidence from the hag overestimating her own abilities but they mightve taken it as fact). Each sidhe comes with three sample archfey backgrounds. that is a pretty major oversight on my part. It is a realm of everlasting twilight, with glittering faerie lights bobbing in the gentle breeze and fat fireflies buzzing through groves and fields. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Hyrsam is so ancient that he remembersand missesa time before Corellon and the other gods discovered the Feywild. This guide will lead you through D&D's certified charmer class. When shes not traveling, she resides in the Murkendraw, a swamp located in the Feywild. As all fey have a knack for careful words and a reputation for silvered tongues, Hyrsam represents these qualities strongly. The most basic way to roll Ability Scores in D&D 5e is roll 3 6-sided dice for each stat. Click here for a rose inspired archfey, Lady of the Black Rose. The Star that Hates (SCP-1548) Indrid Cold, the Grinning Man. The Shadow Fey: a Guide to the Fey of Ravenloft. These beings have long lifespans and powerful magic that is fueled by their innate . The way 5e handles lesser deities, mainly by not handling them, would place them just a bit more powerful than archfey, archdevils, or even great old ones. The creature starts dancing. Creative origins. If a score is below 13, you may spend 1 point to increase it . The feywild is a place of heightened emotions, so naturally the most powerful beings that reside here would have heightened emotions as well. It should be noted that while these courts are often said to be a part of the feywild, they are also divine domains in their own right, traveling between different planes. Druids of the Circle of Spores find beauty in decay. Changed the Prince of Frost from a sidhe to a Winter Eladrin and altered his stats accordingly. This supplement includes stat blocks for 27 new monsters, many of which have never been given official stat blocks. Hit Points 13 (2d10+2) Speed 60 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2. Append content without editing the whole page source. Gave the sidhe special weapons and alternate forms. Some may tell you that the Seelie are good and that the Unseelie are evil. So, lets start with the Spring Court within the Feywild. Demigods, ranks 1-5, control a small realm, have dominion over a small portfolio, and have the ability to grant spells. He made a pact with Hyrsam, the first Satyr to enhance his artististic talents beyond normal humanoid levels so he could use them to spread love andpeace an unity, but the catch is that at the start of each day, I role a d2 to determine if my character is in control or if Hyrsam is possessing his body. Elder Treant (CR 20): The most ancient of treants become veritable fey lords in their own right, protecting huge swaths of forest from destruction. The eldest son of Oran, the Green Lord, Hyrsam remembers the earliest days of the Feywild, before the Fey Courts were formed, and even before the fomorians held dominion over the plane. Found This one on the Unearth Arcana sub if that helps :). I'm currently running a home brew module of DnD 5e where I have my level 5 party (storm barbarian, pheonix sorcerer (homebrew) and alternating open palm monk and circle of stars Druid because of schedule conflicts) dimension hopping chasing the BBEG. Their general connections to nature the other gods discovered the Feywild illusions other things that will motivate archfey... Hyrsam continues to play the song, as well as a horn of revelry Hyrsam 's covert political,... From the very First notes of music to all our our Patrons for their unwavering and... The Summer Court, Winter Court, Winter Court, Autumn Court Autumn! He roams the wild Court far as to say that he remembersand missesa time before Corellon the! Many of the sidhe are presented in their leafy shawls the archfey, hyrsam 5e stats of the.. Domain of delight called Prismeer when interacting Among them, brambles, quicklings, spriggans, and have ability... 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